Meet Mia...

Mia* is a small business owner looking to reduce her monthly repayments to increase cash flow.

 Broker helps self-employed woman reduce monthly repayments



  • Mia opened her own business 18 months ago. 
  • The business has grown fast, she now leases equipment and has acquired multiple credit cards. 
  • To cover the business start-up costs, she used a business overdraft, secured by her home.


Her current situation

  • 6 months ago, Mia went into arrears on her mortgage. While waiting for the insurance claim to clear due car accident, which caused a loss of income.
  • While Mia has been able to manage the minimum repayments on her debts, she hadn’t been able to get back on top of her finances. 
  • Looking to reduce her monthly repayments, she was looking to consolidate 2 months' mortgage arrears & a default of $1,200 into her existing mortgage. 


Real life solution

  • While she experienced a real-life event that impacted her income, Mia has turned things around and is back on the road. 
  • As Mia was able to provide a declaration of financial position, plus 6 months BAS statements, she qualified for a Pepper Specialist Alt Doc PLUS home loan option.
  • Under our Specialist PLUS option, we can accept up to 6 months of mortgage arrears.  




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* Fictional scenario. These case studies are based on real-life examples, are not testimonials and have been provided for educational purposes only. They are not intended to imply any recommendation about any financial product(s) or constitute tax advice. If you require financial or tax advice you should consult a licensed financial or tax adviser. Outcomes will vary depending on the applicant’s individual circumstances. Applications are subject to credit assessment, eligibility criteria and lending limits. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply.

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